
How to Get Details of Recent Transactions in Bank Account?

Bank accounts are meant for transactions. Once we have opened the bank account we start using it in our day to day life. In fact, we have adopted bank accounts and it’s transactions into our modern lifestyle. But have you ever wondered how you can get details of recent transactions in Bank account?

I mean about those debit or credit transactions you have done in your bank account. In this article of mine, I will show you two ways to get the details of the most recent transactions that have taken place in your bank account. You can get different types of statements of your bank account.

I am talking about the full bank account statement and the mini statement. There are many differences between these two. But let us not dig deeper into those and just focus on the topic of the day. That is about getting the details of the latest transactions that took place in the account.

Recent Bank Transactions

Using the Bank Account Statement

You can make use of your bank account statement to check the most recent transactions. Your bank will offer your statement for the last 30 days, 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months. Basically, you can choose the time frame.

If you have access to your internet banking account. Then you can retrieve the bank account statement by yourself. Just login to your bank account on the official website of your bank → Select Bank Account Statement → Select the time period → view or download the statement.

Using the Mini Statement

Every bank in India allows its customers to get a mini statement. Usually, people use the missed call banking facility or the nearby ATM machine to get the mini statement. And in the case of some banks, you can also use the official mobile banking application to get the mini statement.

But I recommend you to use the nearby ATM machine to get your mini statement. And get the details of your last few transactions. Go to any ATM machine → Dip your Card into the machine → Enter your PIN → Select Mini Statement. And you can use this mini statement to get details of the recent transactions in Bank account.


This is how you can get details of the recent transactions in bank account. In case you the full bank account statement you can choose the time period. But in the case of a mini statement, you will get details of only the last 5 transactions. There is no option that lets you select the time period.